
You’ve somehow landed on my website, so welcome!
My name is Dragoș and in my day-to-day I do software and mobile development.

Some of the things I care about: user experience and the value my work can bring to people, working in healthy, effective and autonomous teams, advocating for positive social change and diversity & inclusion.

Fields I worked in either directly or while being a consultant:
telecommunications, public health, education, automotive, e-commerce, travel.

In my free time I enjoy playing games, riding my bicycle and:

Building KINN
A contacts manager app which respects your privacy & helps you keep in touch with people

Tutoring @ Manchester Codes
Where I teach a backend module and mentor people looking to start a career in tech

You can find me on: Twitter, LinkedIn, GitHub.


Fostering great design – developer collaboration – Hotline Design Podcast

[As developers] We want to make sure we provide the customers with clear or actionable points they c…

Maintaining your data privacy and confidentiality online – Speaker @ Girls Go IT

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of being invited to speak about data privacy and confidentiali…

How to set a breakpoint to catch UIViewController retain cycle

Important note:The credit for this tip on how to set a retain cycle breakpoint should be attributed …

How to override simulator status bar for App Store screenshots

Recently I have added localization for 9 regions to my app KINN – Contacts & Groups,. It i…

create a swift package from a cocoapods project
How to create a Swift Package from a CocoaPods project

For the past year, Swift Package Manager (SPM) has quickly gained popularity, with most big framewor…

Software Development Books and Articles for Personal Development

As part of my development and growth I have encountered and found some books to be really useful in …

Open Source

Wrapper for CNContacts for easier access, ordering and scheduling.

A modern, highly customisable contact picker with search and multi-selection options.